Ice Cream Sandwich
used to be the new kid on the block, but it's been usurped by the likes
of Android 4.2: Jelly Bean as the OS to have on the likes of the Samsung
Galaxy S3 and Google Nexus 4.
However, loads of users are still
waiting for their Ice Cream Sandwich update, and Google told us that
this is one of the biggest overhauls of the operating systems since it
unleashed the Android project three years ago - and there's certainly a
lot to plough through.
From enhanced contact menus to improved
keyboards and NFC capabilities, even the most ardent Android users will
have to spend some time getting used to the new OS if they've never been
Android 4 - so let's dive in.
The most
noticeable change with Ice Cream Sandwich is the interface - it might
follow the same principles as the Android of old, but the way it's used
is radically different in a number of ways.
Firstly, Android 4.0
is designed to work without buttons. However, it's clear that notion has
died, as physical buttons are still everywhere over a year on... so
don't worry if you're a fan of a good home button.
to navigate around, you're offered three softkeys: Back, Home and
Multi-tasking (or Recent Apps). The latter is particularly new for
phones, and comes from the Honeycomb UI - basically a set of thumbnails
that show recently opened apps.
Here's the new part: swipe
sideways to shut down an application, which will greatly help reduce the
battery consumption of your phone if there's something silently
updating in the background.
The Home and Back buttons are the same
as they've always been, but no longer have a 'long press' function
attached... so you can't automatically call up the keyboard, for
If you move into something media-ish, such as watching a
movie or browsing the web like a pro, these three buttons shrink down
to tiny dots, so you've got more of the screen to look at. However,
remember what each dot does, as pressing it will take you home/open the
recent apps etc and you might not want to.
For Android fans, this
presents something of an issue: with the menu button gone, you'll have
to hunt around the screen for three vertical dots which have taken its
place. However, these can be anywhere, so sometimes you'll get
distracted trying to work out how on earth to alter settings.
multi-tasking pane also seems an odd choice for one of three buttons -
it used to be you could access this functionality by long-pressing the
home key, and it makes more sense to keep this and then have the
multi-tasking slot taken up by a menu key.
despite the odd placement, the multi-tasking pane is cool - simply
swipe horizontally on any open app to shut it down, in a similar way to
the Cards system on webOS - it certainly helps keep open applications
under control.
The home screens are once again limited to five,
but this time there's no option to get rid of those you don't want. It's
not a huge issue to some people, but with the expandable widgets and
loads of apps you'll be looking to download, we'd have expected more.
This isn't the case with most other phones, which will extend it to at least seven screen, but Google likes to be stingy.
a plethora of tiny tweaks and changes to the Android OS that we were
impressed with, ranging from the Tron-like blue theme that pervades
throughout the OS to the ability to unlock the phone simply by using
your face.
The latter security option is more novelty than
anything else, with Google outlining at the start that it's not meant to
be 100% secure.
We also found a few issues with getting it to
recognise our face in varying light levels, or even working out which
bit of the picture was a face - not the most effective for unlocking
your handset, but when it works it's a great party trick.
This has
been updated in Android Jelly Bean to include blink detection, but you
sadly won't have this option if you're stuck on Ice Cream Sandwich.
notifications bar has been given a functionality overhaul to now
include larger information slots - if it's a contact that's sending you a
message or a missed call, their contact photo will now appear too,
which is a nice touch. And
sometimes you want to get rid of some notifications, but not others -
this has been taken care of by allowing you to swipe away the updates
about apps and messages you don't care about, making it easy to maintain
your info bar.
Settings has also been given a spot in the
notifications pane, meaning no matter where you are in the OS you can
always duck out and tinker with the phone - this is excellent news for
some applications that need GPS or Wi-Fi enabled swiftly.
we would have though Google would have copied the likes of Samsung here
and offered one-tap switching to these elements - it works really well
on most phones, so we're surprised by its omission.
The other new
addition is the dock at the bottom of the screen - this stays on every
home screen, and like iOS can be altered to contain the applications you
like to tap away at the most.
Folders are more iOS-like too, with
users given the ability to drag and drop icons on top of one another
from the home screen to create bundles of apps which you can simply
rename. Given Apple's ire about Google 'stealing' certain elements of
its UI, we can't help but think this created a little more angst down on
Infinite Loop.
Google is clearly also thinking about giving users
more ability to enjoy apps than ever before by putting a link to the
Market in the top right hand corner of the menu screen, which we really
liked as it meant we always knew we could quickly update our app
catalogue when needed.
The other big change is widgets have been
brought to the fore: you can now look at each one on the menu screen
without having to actually select it - this really helps when a new
application you've downloaded has an associated widget and you're
wondering whether to waste time popping it on the home screen.
we love what Google has done with the Ice Cream Sandwich UI. It's
nothing mind-blowing, but the little touches here and there will add to
user delight, and that's what's needed to chip away at those that are
dyed-in-the-wool iPhone users.
The contacts system has been much improved with Ice Cream Sandwich,
with a completely different font (called Roboto, and used throughout
Android 4.0) and pleasantly clean blue and white interface to roll
contacts list is the same as it's ever been - insofar as it's a list of
people with contact pictures next to their name. But the differences
are quite large: for instance, social networking updates from the likes
of Google+ and Twitter are available by tapping to open a contact
profile then swiping to the left.
The layout is lovely though,
especially on the larger screen of the Galaxy Nexus making it easy to
scroll through all your buddies in one go. The large tab to let you jump
the correct letter of your contact's name has gone, but now just
sliding your finger along the right hand side of the screen is enough.
downside to the OS, and one that the likes of HTC will leap upon to
improve, is the linking of the contacts together. You have to open the
person's profile, tap the menu to edit, then tap the menu again to Join
contacts together from other social networks.
It's a really
long-winded way of doing things, and one that should be almost automatic
- even the suggested contacts once we'd asked to join them together
weren't very accurate.
We do like the Google+ integration, as while it's not the most widespread social network around there are some nice tweaks.
instance, the Groups tab now has automatic links to your Google+
Circles making it easier to connect with the people you care with.
However, you've also got a favourites tab to play with, and as there's
no way to mass communicate with a Circle from the Contacts tab, it's a
little redundant.
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